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B&O Sound System


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
Buckeye, Arizona
2024 Mustang GT
Any sound clips aren't really gonna give a good idea of how good the system is cause it depends on how good the microphone that is being used to record and then how good the speakers you are using to play it back on.

Here are my thoughts after having mine for a little over a week now.

the system is pretty good overall it won’t blow your socks off but is definitely more than enough sound for the price. I have listened to a wide variety of music on it and it definitely favors pop/hip-hop music which I feel like is expected I think the highs could be a little more crisper but not a huge issue. Volume is great and I couldn’t hear any distortion even at max volume there is a surround sound mode but I found stereo to sound better and you loose volume in surround.

For reference I was listening through CarPlay and Apple Music lossless
Just got my mustang and I was surprised by the B&O system. I had a very good system in my F150 that I replaced the B&O system it had. This system is pretty good, Id say the best I have heard from Ford.
I agree the highs could be better. Volume is also great unless you want to be heard down the block.
I don't see myself using it much though. But nice to know it does sound pretty good.

