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Search results

  1. 93-Oct Mayne

    My X-pipe to HH-pipe swap experience

    Just wanted to post my recent surprising experience swapping my Steeda Xpipe for the Corsa double Hpipe. I was actually fairly happy with the sound from the Xpipe but gave in to my curiosity hoping to getting that deeper tone everyone talks about and maybe a little more volume. Surprise...
  2. 93-Oct Mayne

    AWE Track Active Edition catback

    Anyone running this exhaust setup with an active exhaust? I'm really interested to hear how effective quiet mode is with this setup. I wouldnt mind loud personally, but my neighbors will, so I need it to be a reasonable cold start in quiet mode in the morning...
  3. 93-Oct Mayne

    93-Oct Mayne's Grabber Blue GT is home! Photos!

    Just got home from picking up my car!! That first ride is an experience you don't forget. I'm a photographer, so many more photos to come once I get out with my camera and some decent light. For now I just have a few initial phone pics My build: GT 301A, GB, Auto, PP, Nite, Active. Total cost...
  4. 93-Oct Mayne

    Base Interior Pics?

    Ford is really trying squeeze as much profit as they can out of the S650, almost exclusively showing DHs and specd out cars. Does anyone have decent shots of the base interior? It'd be great to see a base PP interior with the stitched center console as well.
  5. 93-Oct Mayne

    Black Accent vs Standard Headlights

    There is a significant difference in the look of the headlights depending on your package choices and I'm really torn on which I even prefer. I'm leaning towards black accent package, but if that costs me an extra $1500, the standard ones start looking just fine
  6. 93-Oct Mayne

    S650 Mustang Fanboi Thread

    As is to be expected, there are a lot of mixed opinions on the new car. I love reading some of the informed opinions posted here that provide insights and highlight key issues, but sifting through a million "ITS HIDEOUS" comments from people who can't justify buying it for whatever reason is a...
