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Search results

  1. Mustang Buying Basics + COTUS Guide

    None of our 2016 orders that have VINs have shown up in COTUS. I wouldn't expect it to show anytime soon. You will need to contact Ford Service or your dealer. COTUS is a BETA program so it isn't very reliable.
  2. X-Plan on New Mustang

    Click on the advanced link (if using chrome) and then click "Proceed to fordpartner.com"
  3. X-Plan on New Mustang

    Oh well, you can just go in turn in the keys and thank them for letting you borrow the car for a bit.
  4. X-Plan on New Mustang

    I don't know the details of X-Plan, but if a dealer did that to me, I would bring the car back get what money I put down back and never talk to that dealership again.
