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Search results

  1. Wiley Marmot

    Woman Attempts Selfie With Shark?!

    I'm fairly sure the "Off Topic" part of Off Topic Lounge would inform most forum members it's not going to be about Mustangs and/or cars/trucks, etc in general; then again...............................there are always exceptions. 'In online forums an off-topic discussion area may be available...
  2. Wiley Marmot

    Woman Attempts Selfie With Shark?!

    You're right! It didn't end well. Just can't make this stuff up! ๐Ÿ™„ "A shark bit the hands off a woman along the shore of a Caribbean beach while she was trying to take a picture with it. " https://www.yahoo.com/news/shark-bites-off-tourist-hands-205333844.html
  3. Wiley Marmot

    GTD Weight Revealed

    Dang! I would have guessed 3200 lbs. Just another bad lottery pick for me; I guess. ๐Ÿ˜†
  4. Wiley Marmot

    MagnaRide got screwed up on a roadtrip with horrible roads

    600 miles of "rough roads"??!! You know they make Bronco Raptors for that ****; right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Sorry! Couldn't help myself. ๐Ÿ™„
  5. Wiley Marmot

    2024 Mustang sales comment

    My Credit Union says my GT is their new favorite car! ๐Ÿ˜†
  6. Wiley Marmot

    Planned Nissan-Honda Merger Collapses

    The planned Nissan and Honda merger has collapsed; โ€œdue to Nissan's pride and insufficient alarm about its predicament, as well as Honda's abrupt decision to revise the terms and propose that Nissan become a subsidiary, according to six people familiar with the matter.โ€...
  7. Wiley Marmot

    2024 Mustang GT PP, had it for 6 days…

    $hit! That redefines "sucks"! Glad you're OK, and I agree with the others; that rascal is wadded! ๐Ÿ˜ž
  8. Wiley Marmot

    Ceramic coating VS teflon based coating

    I had my Focus RS (considerably smaller than our GTs) detailed (included paint correction and polymer based sealant/wax/whatever) detailed inside and out for $300. in July of 2023. Hard to compare pricing from here (rural agricultural area) to "Europe" though. That $1500 sounds pretty darn high...
  9. Wiley Marmot

    Ceramic coating VS teflon based coating

    It's been my experience if someone has to tell you how fill in the blank they are; they likely aren't. PTFE is a family of plastics the most common of which is known as Teflon by DuPont. Hopefully DFB5.0 will chip in on your question. Good luck!
  10. Wiley Marmot

    "This is what I needed" - Richard Hammond reviews a Dark Horse Mustang

    WTF??!! The steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car?! ๐Ÿ˜† Thanks for the vid! ๐Ÿ‘
  11. Wiley Marmot

    Intelligent Speed Limiter

    Intelligent speed limiter. One of several of my GT's "nannies" that had tragic firearms related deaths ๐Ÿ˜‰ before I drove it off the dealers lot. ๐Ÿ˜†
  12. Wiley Marmot

    Wellton, Arizona police now has a Dark Horse

    Due to continuing contacts within elements of the US intelligence community (INSCOM and "them") I was able to obtain video of one of @roket 's illicit commutes to Vegas for "unknown purposes". :wink: This video is very sensitive and must not be shared with unauthorised viewers lest we lose...
  13. Wiley Marmot

    Ford Performance Oil & Air Separator - 3 Months Installation Experience

    Damnit, Dave! You're making me feel like a slacker for not having one yet. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Guess I better get on the stick come Monday! Ssssoooo..........................if I get one for my NA Coyote; have it installed on the passenger side of the motor? Correct? TY!
  14. Wiley Marmot

    Ford doubles down on EV future

    Choice is still good. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. Wiley Marmot

    I had a nice weekend

    BIG ๐Ÿ‘!
  16. Wiley Marmot

    Ford doubles down on EV future

    Right back at ya! https://www.usconstitution.net/republic-vs-democracy/ But, of course; you not living here and not being a citizen and all; I defer to your superior knowledge. ๐Ÿ‘
  17. Wiley Marmot

    Ford doubles down on EV future

    Well sir; you ran around that bush (government market manipulation and policy mandates to achieve policy ends; NOT achievable without them) with a great deal of agility and alacrity! ๐Ÿ˜‰ As other's have correctly noted; we are a Constitutional Republic NOT a democracy. That 30 years in...
  18. Wiley Marmot

    Ford doubles down on EV future

    I worked for my State and the Federal Government for 30 years. What could possibly have made me wary of them? ๐Ÿค” Your point about market manipulation is true. Persuasion is a form of benign manipulation and not only has our government engaged in it, but likely, most of us have to. When...
