I don't disagree with you. I find S550 just seamless compared to S650 and I find the touchscreens a bit of a weirder trend. That said, I have driven this for 3 years; I could move to DH (HP only) and make it work. Recaros is the only - no-go and why this fails.
So the deal as it stands is canceled. I am okay to go for a DHHP but not with recaros. If someone with an A10 wants this let me know, and I can ask this guy.
I love S550 look the most especially on the M1HP and the GT500s. The S650 look is growing on me and I am happy to compromise some of the interiors - which are gorgeous in S550 compared to S650s (uh!).
Yeah I thought a LOT about this. Frankly the bay area traffic is deranged. I just didn't want to do that 24x7 cause that was my main car to drive. Now that I have another one, it's time I can chill.
That said, the A10 is really good. I really wish Ford got the DCT7 from GT500 in this but that's...
I just sat in the DH recaros today. I definitely think those are not made for someone like me. I fit just fine but the comfort I get from my M1 leather seats is just incredible. I have had very long drives without being bothered. Recaros will kill me.
If honestly, these weren't recaro, I'd...
The only reason why I entertained this is I do like the DHHP. I love my M1 but over the last few months, I have started to like the 7g look more and more (and previously hated it). I guess my eyes are getting to used it on the roads here in CA. The biggest question marks to me are those big ass...
Someone's offering their DHHP 8K miles against my 2021 M1HP 15K miles + $2K trade. Both cars in good conditions but the DHHP has recaros that I am not the biggest fan of. Besides the seats, what do you guys think of the deal? I had another trade offer for GT Premium + 5K against M1 which was a...
Alright Ill bite. There are a few parts to design and I don't speak as an industrial designer but wife is one and she is a bit surprised.
1. Usability: The new dash has its pros and cons. Somethings will be more usable and somethings will be less. The less ones are something obvious -...